Watch and Download Movie Gook (2017)

Poster Movie Gook 2017

Gook (2017) HD

Director : Justin Chon.
Producer : James J. Yi, Alex Chi.
Release : August 18, 2017
Country : United States of America.
Production Company : Tunnel Post, Datari Turner Productions, Birthday Soup Films, Fishbowl Studios, The, Foxtrout Studios.
Language : English, 한국어/조선말.
Runtime : 94
Genre : Drama.

Movie ‘Gook’ was released in August 18, 2017 in genre Drama. Justin Chon was directed this movie and starring by Justin Chon. This movie tell story about Eli and Daniel, two Korean American brothers who own a struggling women’s shoe store, have an unlikely friendship with 11-year-old Kamilla. On the first day of the 1992 L.A. riots, the trio must defend their store—and contemplate the meaning of family, their personal dreams and the future.

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Author: gerben